Saturday 9 June 2007

Coo's big night out...

I'm a bit worried, Coo's going to a stag night for a family member tonight.
It's the first time he's been out without me in at the very least a year and with the increased meds starting only yesterday, I'm a bit worried!

My son and nephew will be there so I'm sure if Coo begins to get sleepy and there's any danger of a seizure, they'll phone me to get him home.

I feel a bit like a control freak but really, I think it's the circumstances that put you in that position where you have to manage practically everything and stay one step ahead.
I guess years of caring and responsibility does that to us all.

I'm trying hard to play things down, I haven't 'told' anyone to watch him but I know they will anyway!
I'll probably be like a cat on a hot tin roof till be's back home safe and sound!

maz x

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