Saturday 3 August 2013


Hi guys, what a week we've had here!

It's official!
Wee Jessie has chickenpox and millions of 'em at that - poor wee soul!
We were so annoyed at the time but it's just as well her surgery was cancelled last week wasn't it! A full body spica cast and the chicken pox would have been just awful!
Things really do happen for a reason don't they!

The new surgery date is the 20th of August.
Looby, Steven and Jessie all went for the pre-op last week - before the pox came, I might add!- and met with the surgeon to discuss things further. I've gotta say, I was shocked when they told me it's a seventeen and a half hour operation! I guess, well I was really hoping, it'd be a nip-and-tuck kinda thing with a bit of maneouvering and maybe a couple of hours at most but we're under no illusion now. I fear, it's a big operation and a long road ahead for wee Jessie.
It is, what it is and we'll get there!

Coo's struggling on, he's been sleepy and seizing most of the day but he's hanging on in there and me? I feel like I'm mentally battening down the hatches for the next onslaught!

In a positive moment during the week, I decided we needed a wee time out so...
I booked a theatre night away for Coo and I!
Coo likes a wee jaunt up to Glasgow every so often and we both benefit from the change of scene for a wee while!

It's always a bit touch and go, if we will make it to these things but more often than not, with careful planning and plenty of rest time, we usually manage! It's just really something positive for us both to look forward to and aim for.
Our SDS (self directed support) care package, makes it so much easier to cope with things especially when we are struggling.
It's so great to know support is there and within our reach, when we need it and what a difference that's made in itself!

We're trying to stay focussed on the positives and just keep it all together! The main thing is we're doing ok and I hope you're doing ok too, where you are!
Maz x


Welsh Poppy said...

I hope all goes well for the little one that is a long operation for such a wee one!
Sounds like you need to relax and take it easy as so much on your plate at the moment xx

Maz said...

Hi Poppy, thanks for the kind thoughts. We're doing ok - a bit stressed but ok!
Maz x

Susan at Frugaldom said...

Hi Maz, was just catching up on some blog reading and wanted to send my best wishes to all - what a worry the operation must be! Best wishes to all for next week, I'll be thinking of you all.

When is your Glasgow jaunt? Let me know how that goes - I love the film 9 to 5, wasn't even aware there was a stage play / musical version.

Maz said...

Hi there, thanks for popping by! It's tomorrow at the kings!
It's a bit of a diversionary tactic to keep our minds of Jessica's looming surgery!
A wee fun time out is what was needed!
Maz x

Susan at Frugaldom said...

Have a fabulous time! I checked it out online last night and it looks Brilliant. Might just watch the DVD again to enjoy the music. (I'm a Dolly fan!) :)

Maz said...
