Monday 20 April 2009

Carers and the Parliament...

Hi guys!

My Carer group are gearing up for the visit to the Parliament.

Today we were making up our banners so everyone will know who we are - we're a shy lot really! LOL

Our own MSP (Irene Oldfather), won't be there on the day as she is in Brussells but we've found another one to step in and meet with us on the day so we'll be fine.

It was a bit of a panic though as without an MSP, people can't get any further than the foyer area so I'm glad we found someone else willing to lend a hand!

Well, our bus is booked and we found a driver willing to take us up to the capital so we are all set.

I am saying a few words and reading my poem.

I'm getting a wee bit jittery about speaking at the parliament but I'm ok...I'm sure it'll all be fine once I get going!LOL

The press and the T.V. people have agreed to cover the day in both Edinburgh and London so watch out on the news! maybe you'll see us all!

Incidently, we will be wearing tartan and our banners all say North Ayrshire, Three Towns Carers.

Good Luck to all who are marching and speaking out, we'll do it for those others who just can't get there themselves!
Wish us luck!

maz x


Robert said...

I hope you have a good day out...but more importantly, I hope the demonstration bears fruit!

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I hope your protest went well! I really like the message in the poster, it's so true that in a second our lives can be changed forever, one moment your an independent person living your own life, the next you have the responsibility for another persons health, finances, possessions... it happens in the blink of an eye!

Maz said...

Cheers Guys!
It was a brilliant day.
There were around 350 Carers marching and making some noise! lol
We all felt we were doing something constructive and speaking out for those who can't!

I only hope our government listens!

maz x